
Elsevier: Knokke "bezielde badplaats"

Haventrafieken Zeebrugge eerste helft 2007

De containertrafiek neemt het belangrijkste deel van de groei voor zich. Van januari tot juni werd 18 procent meer containertonnage verscheept in vergelijking met dezelfde periode vorig jaar. Er werd 952.000 TEU aan containervolume behandeld. Dit is 27% meer dan in dezelfde periode van 2006. De ingebruikname van de haveninfrastructuur aan de APM Terminal met haar nieuwe Maersk diensten zorgde voor een aanzienlijke groei van de containervolumes.
Het roll-on/roll-off-verkeer was goed voor 6,4 mln. ton (+ 3,8 %). Zeebrugge bevestigt haar wereldleiderschap inzake autotrafieken : in het eerste semester werden er 1,1 mln. nieuwe wagens behandeld (+ 15,6 %). Het roll-on/roll-off-verkeer kende een sterke groei van 25,9 % in de deepsea diensten (en dit voornamelijk de aanvoer uit het Verre Oosten).
De vaste bulk zoals zand en grind steeg met 5,8 %. Dit is voornamelijk door de opspuitingswerken ter hoogte van het strand van Heist.
De vloeibare bulk (voornamelijk vloeibaar aardgas) kende een daling van 18 %. Het aantal aanlopen van LNG-schepen halveerde gedurende de eerste 6 maanden van 2007.
Het stukgoed daalde met 16,5 procent tot een volume van bijna 0,5 miljoen ton.
Voor wat betreft de havenarbeid, steeg het aantal shiften met 13,3 % tot 145.200.
De haven van Zeebrugge is verwacht om in dit eeuwfeestjaar voor het eerst de kaap van de 40 miljoen ton te overschrijden.
Marokko verbiedt sleepnetten

Bilbao abre en septiembre la primera 'autopista del mar' de la Europa Atlántica (ElPaís)

Las llamadas autopistas del mar son proyectos avalados por la Comisión Europea, que parte del principio de que el mar es un recurso infrautilizado para el transporte de mercancías y pasajeros en un momento de grandes problemas de congestión en los sistemas terrestres, especialmente la carretera. Las distancias, pese a la menor velocidad de los barcos frente a los camiones, son también inferiores: la conexión entre España y Portugal con Irlanda es entre 600 y 1.200 kilómetros más corta por mar que por tierra.
La Autoridad Portuaria de Bilbao apostó a principios de la década por este sistema de transporte y uno de sus nuevos muelles, el A-3, se construyó con las infraestructuras, el calado y las conexiones necesarias, como rampas para recibir los camiones por vía marítima, el llamado tráfico ro-ro. La naviera Transfemmica, que ha estado dudando entre Santander y Bilbao como puerto en España, presentó el pasado 5 de julio su proyecto ante la Autoridad Portuaria de Bilbao. Ofrecerá tres servicios semanales con una capacidad en cada buque para transportar transportar 196 tráilers -inicialmente serán 110, hasta que a principios de 2008 no se dispongan de los barcos nuevos- y 650 contenedores. La previsión es que, con una utilización del 65% de su capacidad de carga -un porcentaje apreciable- se superen los 100.000 camiones transportados cada año.
El tránsito entre Bilbao y Brujas requerirá 38 horas "de puerto a puerto", asegura Luis Vendrillana, portavoz de la naviera, quien señala las ventajas del barco. "Con la nueva normativa de la UE, si va un solo conductor en el camión, tarda más por los descansos obligatorios. Si van dos, entonces aumentan los costes. A ello se une que los camiones no pueden circular por zonas de Francia los fines de semana y nosotros no tenemos ese problema", explica.
Ahorros del 18%
Los impulsores de la línea calculan que los ahorros respecto a la carretera oscilan entre el 6,7% y el 18%, en función del origen y destino de la mercancía. El proyecto se considera viable en un área de influencia de 300 kilómetros de los dos puertos. Según las previsiones, transportará más de 100.000 camiones al año, el 6% del los que circulan ahora por la frontera de Biriatou.
El presidente de la Autoridad Portuaria, José Ángel Corres, fue quien anunció ayer que el primer viaje saldrá de Brujas el 26 de septiembre y partirá de Bilbao el 28, tras destacar "el tremendo potencial" que tiene esta iniciativa para "sacar" tráfico de la carretera y llevarlo por vía marítima. Admitió que al establecerse con Bélgica la línea no podrá disfrutar de las subvenciones acordadas entre España y Francia para las autopistas del mar. Pero sí apuntó que ayuda al país galo, al restarse un importante tráfico de la carretera. El portavoz de la naviera señaló que la disposición de ayudas no ha sido un factor considerado esencial. "Lo que cuenta es la rentabilidad. No hemos visto viabilidad en hacerlo con un puerto francés".
Corres manifestó que la línea de ayudas para las autopistas del mar con Francia, cuyo plazo de solicitudes terminaba en septiembre, se ha ampliado a noviembre y mostró su esperanza en que se pueda concretar algún servicio. "No eramos optimistas, pero parece que puede haber alguna", aseguró.
Un estudio realizado hace dos años por la Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña consideraba viable el transporte de mercancías por el mar entre Bilbao y Hamburgo. El informe planteaba que la cuenca atlántica debe aprovechar los tráficos ya existentes de graneles. Si bien los productos agrícolas se concentran básicamente en el Levante y Andalucía, por lo que podrían aprovechar los puertos mediterráneos, los minerales, sus manufacturas y los productos petroquímicos deberían entrar por puertos como Bilbao o Pasajes, agregaba el estudio.
De uitvoering Vlaams golfmemorandum op volle kruissnelheid

De Vlaamse Regering keurde twee gewestelijke ruimtelijke uitvoeringsplannen goed waarmee de golfterreinen in Keerbergen (Keerbergen Golf Club) en Paal-Beringen (Millenium-Golf) bestaans- en rechtszekerheid krijgen. Daarenboven werd ook beslist een GRUP op te starten voor de herbestemming en uitbreiding van de Damme Golf en Country Club."Met de herbestemming naar golfzone van deze drie terreinen wordt weer een belangrijke stap gezet in de uitvoering van het golfmemorandum dat in 2003 door de Vlaamse regering werd goedgekeurd", verduidelijkt minister Van Mechelen. "Dit memorandum had verschillende bedoelingen. In eerste instantie aan de bestaande golfterreinen en -clubs rechtszekerheid bieden. Tevens werd vastgelegd welke bestuursniveaus bevoegd zijn voor welke types golfterreinen.”Zo zijn gemeenten nu bevoegd voor ‘type I’-terreinen met een beperkt aantal holes (maximaal zes) en een beperkte oppervlakte tot acht hectare. Provinciebesturen nemen verantwoordelijkheid op voor de ‘type II’-terreinen met maximaal negen holes en een oppervlakte kleiner dan veertig hectare. Het Vlaams Gewest ten slotte neemt de ‘type III’-terreinen (18 holes of groter en met een oppervlakte van veertig tot zeventig hectare) voor haar rekening. De terreinen in Keerbergen, Beringen en Damme vallen hieronder.“De golfsport in Vlaanderen zit sinds de jaren ’90 sterk in de lift. Daarenboven maakte de sport in de loop van de voorbije decennia een heus democratiseringsproces door. Samen met de toegenomen populariteit stijgt evenwel ook de vraag om meer golf-”ruimte”, weet de minister. “Helaas bevinden heel wat golfterreinen zich op een zonevreemde locatie. Daardoor zijn ze vaak verwikkeld in procedures inzake stedenbouwkundige overtredingen of kunnen ze onmogelijk uitbreiden om tegemoet te komen aan de stijgende populariteit. Met in eerste instantie de regularisatie van deze bestaande terreinen wil de Vlaamse Regering de reeds ingezette democratiseringsbeweging verder stimuleren en aan de golfsport de kans bieden zich te ontplooien tot een heuse ‘volkssport’, net zoals dat eerder met het tennis gebeurde. Maar we willen verdergaan en naast de regularisatie van de bestaande terreinen in het golfmemorandum, werd in de opvolgingsnota – in 2006 door de regering goedgekeurd – de aanzet gegeven om na te gaan waar in Vlaanderen bestaande golfterreinen kunnen uitbreiden en waar nieuwe kunnen worden voorzien." Zo werd een onderzoek gestart naar de mogelijke uitbreiding van vier bestaande golfterreinen (Damme, Ieper, Olen en Brasschaat) én de creatie van zeven nieuwe locaties verspreid over het Vlaamse land. (Knokke, Nevele, St.Gillis Waas, Schilde, Lommel, Bree, Sterrebeek). Het onderzoek rond Damme werd inmiddels afgesloten en geeft nu als eerste terrein uit de opvolgingsnota “Nieuwe multifunctionele zones voor niet-lawaaierige buitensporten”, aanleiding tot het opstarten van een ruimtelijk uitvoeringsplan. Over het golfterrein in Overijse is er geen sprake.Wat betreft nieuwe terreinen legde de regering ook reeds vier belangrijke principes vast. Een eerste is de multifunctionaliteit of het recreatief medegebruik voor iedereen. Dus ook niet-golfers of niet-leden moeten van het terrein kunnen gebruikmaken via wandelwegen, fietspaden, visvijvers, tennisterreinen, petanquebanen, enzovoort. Daarnaast wil de Vlaamse Tegering naar buitenlands voorbeeld ook ‘eco-golfterreinen’. Waarbij het terrein met de best beschikbare technieken wordt onderhouden zodat de meest milieu- en natuurvriendelijke resultaten worden bereikt. Een derde voorwaarde is dat minstens de helft van alle nieuwe terreinen ‘democratische golfterreinen’ zijn. Dit wil zeggen dat er voor nieuwe golfers geen instapprocedure en instapgelden worden gevraagd, dat het abonnementsgeld maximaal 1.000 euro per jaar mag bedragen, dat er een goed uitgebouwde jeugdwerking is en dat via een zogenaamde ‘greenfee’ (een lage gebruikersvergoeding) ook bezoekers kunnen spelen en les krijgen. Tot slot streeft de Vlaamse Regering ook naar een mix van verschillende exploitatievormen. Het golfterrein als een pure private of een pure publieke aangelegenheid. Of een mix van de twee.“Met deze globale aanpak willen we tegemoetkomen aan de behoefte aan bijkomende golfterreinen. En het maatschappelijk draagvlak creëren om nieuwe golfterreinen te realiseren. Zodat er op een ruimtelijk verantwoorde wijze een echte win-win situatie kan ontstaan. Een goede mix tussen sociaal-maatschappelijke aspecten (rustige ontspanning en beweging voor iedereen), economische elementen (jobcreatie en handel) en ecologische aspecten (natuur- en groenbehoud). Dat kan de golfsport enkel maar ten goede komen. Zodat de ruim 53.000 Vlamingen die volgens bepaalde studies in 2015 de clubs zullen hanteren, in alle rust hun sport kunnen beoefenen”, besluit Dirk Van Mechelen.
Zeebrugge straks in Russische handen?


A senior adviser in the Elysee Palace denied that Sarkozy had made the promise during the phone call. "The issue did not come up," said the adviser, speaking on condition of anonymity. "There is no deal. There is no link between the two issues." Prime-Tass said Sarkozy told Putin he would support Gazprom bids for several Suez assets, which the French company is to sell off to obtain European Commission monopoly clearance for its delayed merger with GDF.
The report identified the assets as a Distrigas liquefied natural gas terminal in Massachusetts and the Zeebrugge LNG terminal in Belgium, as well as power assets in France and Belgium. Gazprom deputy head Alexander Medvedev first floated the idea last August, France's La Tribune reported at the time. Spokespeople for GDF and Suez declined to comment. As the Kremlin moves closer to completing its strategy of bringing major oil and gas projects into its fold, it has moved to phase two -- striking direct deals with European firms in a bid to circumvent opposition to its plans of energy expansion. "Russian companies are growing, and the limits of the Russian market naturally become very tight," Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said. "Our closest ally is Europe. Predictably, the first market of attention for big Russian companies is the European market, especially in the field of energy." Analysts said any moves into the French market after the Shtokman deal would be consistent with the Kremlin's policy of expecting access to European markets in exchange for allowing Western oil firms to operate in its increasingly lucrative developments. "There is so much upheaval in the energy sector right now. Why wouldn't a new French president be exploring possibilities, for example with Algeria or Russia?" said Daniel Simmons, a gas supply expert with the Paris-based International Energy Agency. Sarkozy has said he is keeping his options open as the government decides whether to issue formal approval for the $123 billion merger of GDF and Suez, including some sort of deal with Algeria's Sonatrach. Gazprom is more likely to seek an equity stake in the merged GDF-Suez holding or direct access to French end users, said Valery Nesterov, an analyst at Troika Dialog. Some analysts have speculated that Total might have offered to ease the terms of its production sharing agreement at the Kharyaga oil field, allowing the state to reap higher profits in a world of over $70 per barrel oil prices. Total spokeswoman Patricia Marie declined to confirm or deny whether the issue of Kharyaga was part of the negotiations on Shtokman. The company has come under fire for purported environmental violations at the field. As Europe continues to voice its concern over heavy dependence on Russian energy and relations with the West plummet to a new low, the Kremlin has been aggressively pushing an approach of "strategic reciprocity" -- sealing tit-for-tat energy deals to overcome popular resistance to Gazprom's desires for westward expansion. As part of the deal over Kovykta -- a large gas field in eastern Siberia that BP's Russia unit handed to Gazprom in June after months of state pressure -- BP, TNK-BP and Gazprom agreed to look at investments with up to $3 billion, including global asset swaps. Last week, Shell and Rosneft agreed to look at joint projects in Russia and abroad. The agreement was signed half a year after Shell ceded majority control of Sakhalin-2 to Gazprom, following a months-long campaign by state environmental officials. Moscow has indicated a clear preference for striking direct deals with European capitals and oil firms, bypassing Brussels as negotiations on an energy strategy with the European Union continue to stall. While it has won long-term supply contracts with several countries -- Gazprom's deal with GDF runs through 2015 -- it has failed to make widespread inroads into downstream markets. "There are many countries who have their own policies with regards to Russia," said Simmons of the IEA, adding that Brussels has failed to develop a "united front" to Russia. Gazprom awarded a 25 percent stake in Shtokman's operating company to Total on July 12, yet stuck to its commitment to keep full control of the field's license and reserves. It also said it could offer a further 24 percent stake to more foreign participants.
Gazprom announced in October that it was shutting down competition for stakes in the field, after lengthy negotiations with Total, Statoil and Norsk Hydro of Norway, and U.S. firms ConocoPhillips and Chevron.
Beaubar Summer Of Love @ Knokke-Out

Op donderdag 26 juli verwelkomen we 250 gasten voor onze exclusieve beaubar diner in de Knokke-Out die volledig verzorgd wordt door Bistro Matisse in Knokke. Tijdens het diner staat David Foyh in voor de nodige beats and basses. Om 23h gaan de deuren van onze Electropop en onze House Room open voor het grote publiek.Deze zomer verwelkomt beaubar enkele grote internationale guests in de house room waaronder Bobby&Klein (UK – Guesthouse Music) en Chappell (USA – FarrisWheel Recordings) Chappell die bekend staat om zijn warme soulfull stem, zal ons doen wegdromen met zijn live tussenkomsten in de DJ sets. Verder staan ook Massimo DaCosta (Vernon&DaCosta, OM recordings), PJAY (Basic Dept. Store, Wax Club) en Beverly John (Beaubar Resident) op het programma.In de electropop zaal verwelkomen we niemand minder dan Joren (Paris, FR – The Heat) De opkomende Franse top dj zal ons verwennen met zijn selectie van geraffineerde electro beats, afgewisseld met de nodige disco breaks. Joren die al reeds zijn diensten bewees in de grootste Parijse clubs zoals Djoon, Rex Club, Queens,… zal deze zomer opnieuw voor Belgisch Publiek de pannen van het dak komen spelen. Andere acts kunnen we verwachten van de Culture Club residents Hermanos Inglesos en Maxim Lany.Beaubar zal zijn concept volledig inkleden in het “Summer of Love” thema. Met speciale love gifts, decors en visuals. Hoofdsponsor Converse zal die avond 200 exlusieve All Stars bags (met een winkelwaarde van 50 €) uitdelen op het event. Wie op donderdag 26 juli niet aanwezig kan zijn voor de onvergetelijke party in knokke is alvast welkom eind september voor de summer of love closing party in de Gentse Culture Club. De line-up zal binnenkort bekend gemaakt worden. (www.beaubar.com – www.myspace.com/beaubarparis)
Tips tegen diefstal uit de wagen

In afwachting alvast enkele tips:
* Sluit uw deuren, ramen, koffer en dak goed af.
* Neem altijd al uw waardevolle voorwerpen mee (GPS, GSM, draagbare PC, handtas, fototoestel
* Neem steeds uw boorddocumenten mee. Wees de dieven te slim af.
* Verwijder uw GPS en GPS-houder en veeg indien nodig ook de zuignapafdruk uit op uw voorruit.
* Gebruik de PIN-code op uw GPS en schakel steeds de blue-tooth en wifi-functie uit van voorwerpen die u toch wenst achter te laten, want potentiële dieven vangen dit signaal op.
* Registreer al uw waardevolle voorwerpen waardoor de politie teruggevonden gestolen goederen sneller kan terugbezorgen.
* Wordt U, ondanks alle voorzorgen toch nog slachtoffer, doe dan altijd en zo vlug mogelijk aangifte bij de politie.
Mega-portretten vissers op vismijn

Presentation of Nicolas Lombaerts to Russian press

Het interview met de Russische pers:
Sergey Fursenko: I’m glad to welcome you here again. Today we present our new player - the central defender Nicolas Lombaerts. He was a central defender of the Belgium club Gent and Captain of the Youth Squad in Belgian Championship. I invite you to greet Nicolas in our club! As always I’d like to start presentation with presenting Nicolas the club’s jersey.
Nicolas Lombaerts: Thank you.
Could you please tell about the playing qualities that attracted you in Nicolas? As far as I understand you saw him in the National and European Youth Championships. Which of his playing qualities showed you that he is a necessary asset to Zenit?
Dick Advocaat: of the reasons he got our attention was that he was the best player in Holland in the European Youth Championship. He is a talented player who’s only 22 y.o. And we know that some other clubs were very much interested in buying him. As soon as we knew about it, we started negotiations with him and now we are happy to see him in our club. He is a central defender; he also can play a left back. He can pass the ball. He can defend as well, that’s why we bought him. But he’s also ready to make his input so that that his new team won the championship. The Russian Championship is more serious than championship in Belgium. But Nicolas showed he can play for Zenit by having played all matches for his team in the national championship. So we are very happy that he is one of the Zenit players now.
Will Nicolas be able to play with FC Rostov on 15 July? Will he be the only player Zenit buys for this season or should we expect more newcomers?
SF: Executive Committee Meeting of the Russian Football Union finished an hour ago and it was decided to prolong the transfer period from 12 July to 31 August. Nicolas can play with Rostov which will make our situation in this match easier. As for today he’s the only new player we’ve signed in. What will happen in the next month and a half is difficult to say now.
FC Zenit President introduced you as a central defender, but in Gent you played as a left defender. What position you personally prefer? And in the Belgian championship you’ve received only two yellow cards. Does that mean that you are such a clean player?
NL: I think my position is in central defence. But for two or three years in Gent I played on left back. And it will be no problem for me to play there. I don’t know if I am a clean player. It might be a coincidence. But I don’t discuss a lot with the referees, may be that’s why I don’t get many yellow cards.
Was number 6 on the jersey picked by you, and if it was your choice, why did you choose it?
NL: I don’t know that this was a big deal here. As a boy I played my first game as a number 6. And I also played as a number 6 for three years in Gent as well as in the last European Championship. That’s why I’m glad that I can continue playing in Zenit with this number.
Is the new defender planned as a substitute to Hagen, Krizanac or Skrtel?
DA: First of all we’ve acquired a central defender. But the level of the competition is high and as a player of the squad he will have to fight for the place in the starting list just as everybody else. But in general he’ll play in central defence.
Is it a new selection policy that FC Zenit prefers young players or is it a coincidence?
SF: We prefer to have reliable players; however the squad has to have a future. All our recent contracts are for 4 years. No doubt we’ll attract more young players as the future belongs to the young. And we watch closely our reserve squad where there is a number of very promising players.
Do you prefer to work with experienced or younger players?
DA: The age doesn’t matter much, it’s the quality. But for the club having young players who show result, like Skrtel, is better. So it’s always a combination of youth and experience. And Nicolas played for two years in all matches with his former squad, so he’s got both.
We all are worried how Zenit will play on Sunday. One position will be solved by Nicolas. But what about the rest? Are you planning to invite players from the reserve team or how will you solve the problem?
DA: To solve the defence problem I and Mr. Fursenko will play in the center. So nobody will come in between (laughing) I was quite surprised with the match in Moscow. I was quite surprised that five players of our team who had 3 yellow cards got the fourth card. Probably the referee knew that these players had already received three cards each, whereas those players who had 1 or 2 yellow cards didn’t receive more during this game. But again to lose five players, five defenders is difficult but we still have four days to make a decision what we have to do. We already have one player and the rest we have to solve.
Before coming to St. Petersburg did you watch Zenit matches and did you meet any of the players already.
NL: I didn’t know much about this team. But I looked in the Internet before I came here. Also when I arrived on the sports channel I watched some games with Zenit. That’s because there is not so much attention paid to Zenit in Belgium although Russian championship can be of interest in Belgium and Europe. But probably now we’ll see some Belgium press coming here and it will increase interest to the Russian football.
Would you prefer to lose all your defenders before the match with Rostov or a match with Spartak?
DA: Every game is important for us. And the players go to play without keeping in mind whether they should or shouldn’t get a yellow card.
What game is more important to you?
DA: The game with Rostov - it’s the next game.
You said that Russian Championship is more challenging than the one in Belgium. Having said that what qualities does Nicolas need to develop?
DA: We know that he received offers from Holland and Germany. But for us it’s very important we can have a young player. Before that we tended to buy more experienced older players. But it’s important to get young talented players. Like Skrtel.
How often did you play on the artificial turf and are you aware that the match after the next will be played on such?
NL: I trained a lot on the artificial turf when we played in Bruges. So I’m used to it. Also in Gents we trained on it sometimes. So I think it will be no problem for me to play on it.
Have you got enough rest after the Belgium championship and do you feel physically fit to come to the pitch on Sunday?
NL: I had some rest. I went on holidays. It was just perfect for two weeks. Besides I have a few more days here to get a good shape. So I believe I’ll be in a good shape on Sunday.
Were negotiations with Nicolas difficult. Are you as a president satisfied with the result?
SF: First all I am satisfied with this deal as a president. Negotiations went normal and you can see the result.
Is there currently a task from the coaching staff to the selection office? If yes, what positions need to be fortified?
DA: Not at the moment. As I have said before, we have a strong squad of 20 very good players. So there is no reason to buy more. But if we see a strong player we’ll consider him.
There was a time when asked, what they knew about Russia, foreigners could name vodka, caviar, sputnik, and probably ballet. What did you know about Russia and Russian football when you came here?
NL: I had history classes in Belgium, so I knew a lot about it. I understood the sputnik, and I also know who’s Jury Gagarin and Peter the Great. As for the football, I knew that CSKA played in the final of the UEFA Cup, and that St. Petersburg played in the quarter final. So I think that the level of the competition in Russia is high. We don’t want to talk about the sum of the transfer. Besides, everybody knows it already from the press.
Is there another player in the Belgium championship with the equal contract? Did you know something about our club when you played in Belgium?
NL: I don’t know, probably not in the Belgium Championship, but there are definitely other Belgian players who earn more than I do. I’m not the biggest earner in Belgium. I heard about this team before but not so much, as our press doesn’t pay much attention to the Russian competitions. And I think it’s a pity. Hopefully there will be more attention soon. While you were in the Belgium league, you were under constant attention of the national squad and youth squad in Belgium.
Aren’t you afraid to get lost in Russia?
NL: No, I’m not afraid, if they are interested, they can come here. And it will be a beautiful trip. If they can come to Katar, they certainly can come to St. Petersburg. And I will invite them, and sure they will like it, because it’s also a beautiful city.
How would you evaluate Zenit performance in the first round of the Championship? Do you agree that Zenit had to have played better?
SF: First of all we are satisfied with the current position of the team in the overall rating. In winter when we acquired four excellent players we were aware that some time will be needed for them to get used to playing together. If we had bought less outstanding players, less time would have been needed. Each player is a bright personality and I’m glad to see that the first stage is over and the team starts moving ahead. So in general we are satisfied with the first half of the season.
You told that negotiations with Nocolas went normal. Is it more difficult for Zenit to negotiate, as sellers know that FC Zenit is supported by Gazprom? And Mr Advocaat skipped answering this question, however, could you please tell what other players will bought in this season. What positions have to be strengthened?
SF: I am confident, that the first violin in the decision making process is played by the head coach. As for Gazprom group support, it brings some positive and some negative effects in the process. Obviously those who are selling the player try to negotiate a better deal. But we try to pin point our selection process by choosing only those players who are needed here. And we achieve results, as you can see. For the third transfer window our selection is considered best. As for Gazprom, the company set ambitions goals for the squad and I think we will achieve them. Today the situation is that Skrtel becomes central defender.
Don’t you think that it would be better to have a more experienced player on this position?
DA: We talk a lot about the defenders, but we don’t mention that we scored the most in the championship. If you score a goal more than miss it’s a success. Even if the other team scores 99 goals and we score 100 it’s a win. It’s not only a defence, but it’s the whole team that makes a difference. We bought Nicolas because we had a chance to buy a good player in the defence. And that’s what we did. In the last matches Anukov played on Kim Dong Jin’s position.
What will be his role? And what are his perspectives?
DA: Left full back.
One will have sit on the bench. Who will that be?
DA: You’ll see. It’s not 11 players that make a team; all players might have to sit on the bench. They get the same bonus for the win as those who played. That shows them how important they are. Although players on the bench often feel themselves a bit off the game. Of course as coaches we understand that they all want to play.
Did you learn some Russian in these four days?
NL: Not yet. Everything went so quickly. I didn’t have a chance to buy a Russian book. But my father has already bought it for me. So in a week it’ll be here and I will start.
How does stadium construction proceed? Are you satisfied with the process? How are things proceeding with the new training base?
SF: As for the stadium, regular meetings with Zenit management, city administration and construction company are held. We always want something better, but in general the process is going smoothly. As for the training base, we soon have to sign a contract on the land and after that the process will go much faster.
Do you think the second round will be easier or more difficult for the squad. From one side, the fight for medals will be at full swing, from another side as you have mentioned the squad got more experienced playing together.
DA: I think it will be harder, but I also think that the team will play better. In my opinion, we’ll play better in the second half that in the first half.
What lodging in St. Petersburg will you prefer? Other players either rent a house, or an apartment, or prefer to stay in this wonderful hotel.
NL: At the moment I still live in the hotel. I’d like to find an apartment as my girlfriend will not have to clean so much, and I want her to feel comfortable. But I believe that in a week or two we’ll find a good place to live.
You’ve signed a 4-year contract with Zenit. Do you think it’s a risk as such a long contract might prohibit you from transferring to a big European club?
NL: Zenit gave me confidence. I don’t look that far in the future. And I will try to succeed here, by winning awards in the Russian championship for a start. I don’t look for another club. And maybe in four years Zenit, St. Petersburg will be as big as Chelsea or Real Madrid. Who knows...
SF: First of all I’d like to say that we are building this club seriously. That’s why we also need confidence that our players stay with us for a longer period of time. As for our tactics, we organize a competition inside the team for each position. Some players can’t handle that and leave, here we can’t help them. The others improve. As for Tekke, I’d like to argue all rumors about him. He is interested in playing in Zenit. We met a number of times and he never expressed a desire to leave. He wants the atmosphere inside the team to improve, and it has already. The relations between players are very positive and I believe that in the nearest future no one would want to leave the club. Sochi will host the next Olympic Games.
Can it happen that Gazprom will be offered to cut Zenit's budget to sponsor the Olympics? And as an experienced manager will you have to be involved in the race for the 2020 Olympics in St. Petersburg?
SF: FC Zenit has got stock holders who determine the policy of the club. We hold board meetings with major sponsors of the club. And the goals set for us are to make a successful club of the European level by adding to the fame of the Russian football. As for the Olympic Games – it’s not in our competence. There committees that specialize in the organization of the Games. From our side we’ll try to prepare Russian players for the major competitions. And that’s what we pay a great deal of attention in our club. However without creating a situation of competition between Russian and European players we won’t achieve much in terms of bringing up the generation of serious Russian players, I can assure you. I’d like to draw your attention that we have a lot of promising young players. I highly recommend you to visit matches of our reserve team.
There is a number of promising players who might soon make a valuable asset to the main squad. What was the most difficult part in the first round?
DA: Everybody expects that if you bring in the new player, he needs to show the results immediately, before he can even adapt. So in our case in the first round the results couldn’t have been better than they were. For example Dominguez had to see what we are, how we train, how we play. But now all players train well and are ready to play. Although, according to your writing we don’t play every game so well we are still on the first place. They don’t give us scores just like that. Think about it.
Was there a game in the first round you liked the most?
DA: We play stronger with every match. So I liked the last game most.
Not so long ago European players didn’t want to play in the Russian championship.
SF: The situation changes slowly. I remember how a year ago we negotiated with Lukareli. But the local fans simply didn’t let him go. However now Lukareli is dreaming to play in Russia, and I’m sure we’ll see him soon in out championship. The situation is changing: as more strong players come to Russia, the more attractive Russian championship becomes for foreigners. I am absolutely sure that in a few years Russian championship will be one of the strongest, if not the strongest, in Europe.
Are you planning to continue your work at FC Zenit after the season is over?
DA: As I have told you before, all decisions will be done at the end of the season. Because you get the prize at the end of the season, not in the middle.
SF: A moment of your attention, please. It was a year ago that Dick Advocaat came to St. Petersburg to work as a head coach for Zenit. I would like to thank Mr. Advokaat for his work, express our hope that he’ll stay with us and would like to present him a small souvenir.
«Зенит» купил юриста * Николас Ломбертс

Справка «КП»
Николас Ломбертс родился 20 марта1985 года
Рост 188 см.
Вес 83 кг.
Гражданство - Бельгия
Предыдущий клуб: «Гент»(Бельгия).
Reacties op de veroordeling van Harry Simon

* OUR country sucks! Harry Simon gets two years for killing three tourists and Hamutenya gets 15 years for stealing four head of cattle. What a horrible country we live in.
* NAMIBIA will be a forsaken tourist destination.
* JUSTICE at last for 'The Terminator'. His actions have terminated the lives of five people in total.
* HARRY'S sentence should have been doubled! What is two years?
* WHY should Harry get such a light sentence for killing three people? Thomas Florin got life for killing his wife. Harry gets two years. Come on, this smacks of political favouritism. The law should treat all criminals equally severe.
* IT'S a shame that Simon did not steal a cow. Then at least he would have gotten a longer sentence.
* AT least justice has been served with Harry Simon's sentence. The ever increasing lawlessness and disregard for others lives has gotten out of control. It should have been 20 years jail and banned from driving for life.
* THREE dead people equals two years in prison. But three live cows equal 15 years in prison! That is beyond my comprehension.
* JUSTICE has been served. Thank you judges, we don't know why it took so long.
* IS there a restriction to our democracy? If the majority are in favour of the death penalty, why the excuse of a sacred document called the Constitution.
* SIMON has learnt that the law doesn't care about your social or national status. But in fact the sentence was very light. Let us all learn from his lesson.
* I DO not understand the case against Harry. To me the accident was a mistake and should have been treated us such.
* IF you kill someone you must go to jail. If Harry goes to jail, so should all criminals.The justice system is allowing criminals to roam free by giving them bail.
* WE hear someone killed his wife and set the body on fire and was granted bail. Harry Simon's accident that killed the tourists was not deliberate, it was an ACCIDENT. Set him free.
* WHAT the judge did to Harry was unfair. It was an accident in which the tourists died. Harry has made peace with the family who lost their loved ones. I call on the government to free the boxer and allow him to pursue his boxing career. I, Bernhard Kamatoto will pray for you during these difficult times.
* WAS the deadly car crash between Harry's vehicle and the Belgian visitors deliberate? If so, let him face the charges. I see Harry's punishment as a sort of a disciplinary action against the ex-boxer.
* JUSTICE has taken it's course. All of us are equal before the law. Harry is lucky to have walked away with a lenient jail term.
* HARRY'S punishment, in my opinion, is not commensurate with the crime he committed. However, it will be interesting to see what time period he will spend in jail. Two years? A-la Paris Hilton!
* FINALLY, Harry Simon is where he belongs! But what took them so long to lock him up? Does his skin colour play a role - maybe?
* HARRY Simon deserves more than just two years in jail. Being a champion does not mean you should go around beating up people.
* HARRY deserves more than just two years in jail. Being a champion does not mean you should be notorious like Mike Tyson or whoever. Time for him to learn that he can beat anyone but not the law.- Seun
* WE live in the BEST country! Only two years for Harry. Try to steal a cow and you rot in jail! Kill a few and you only sit for two years! Land of the Brave.
* HARRY Simon nafile ofhenda aefwe. (Have mercy on Harry) Making the ACC connection
* HARRY deserves more than just two years in jail. Being a champion does not mean you should be notorious like Mike Tyson or whoever. Time for him to learn that he can beat anyone but not the law.- Seun
* WE live in the BEST country! Only two years for Harry. Try to steal a cow and you rot in jail! Kill a few and you only sit for two years! Land of the Brave.
* HARRY Simon nafile ofhenda aefwe. (Have mercy on Harry) Making the ACC connection
Harry Simon agter tralies

HARRY Simon, Namibië se voormalige wêreldkampioen bokser, word sedert gister in die Windhoek sentrale gevangenis aangehou ná sy appèl teen sy skuldigbevinding en vonnis in die Hoërhof misluk het. Simon is in Mei 2005 deur landdros Gert Retief vier jaar gevangenisstraf opgelê waarvan twee jaar vir vyf jaar opgeskort is vir sy aandeel in n gru motorongeluk op 21 November 2002 waarin drie Belgiese toeriste dood en ander insittendes ernstig beseer is. Die oorledenes was die 22 maande oue baba, Ibe de Winter, haar pa dr. Frederic de Winter en me. Michelle de Clerk.Simon is vir strafbare manslag en

Harry Simon in "die tronk"

Feestprogramma van 100-jarige haven

Donderdag 5 en vrijdag 6 juli
Morgen en overmorgen vormt de Burg in Brugge het decor voor het totaalspektakel Sound of the Port, dat de toeschouwers moet onderdompelen in de wereld van de haven. Het programma, een mix van muziek en dans, is opvallend Brugs getint met optredens van onder meer Chris Dusauchoit, de Brugse bariton Hans Peter Janssen (bekend van de musicals Dracula en Les Misérables), het Brugse koor The Bare Necessities, Edje Ska en CD Dance Factory. De Israëlische kunstenares Ilana Yahav, die nooit eerder in België kwam optreden, maakt 'zandkunst' op een glazen plaat. Die tekeningen worden geprojecteerd op een groot scherm. De show is gratis en begint om 22.30 uur.
Zaterdag 7 juli
Zaterdagmiddag om 12.15 uur komen prins Filip en prinses Mathilde het Albert II-dok plechtig inwijden. De plechtigheid is enkel toegankelijk voor genodigden. 's Avonds is er in het Concertgebouw in Brugge Water music, maar dat concert is volzet.
Zondag 8 juli
Zondag zetten twintig havenbedrijven tussen 11 en 17 uur hun deuren open voor een gratis Open Havendag. Het is een unieke kans om de activiteiten van de havenbedrijven van dichtbij te bekijken. U kunt onder meer een kijkje gaan nemen op een schip van ICO (International Car Operators), een van de belangrijkste goederenbehandelaars van autoschepen in Zeebrugge. Het windmolenpark op de oostelijke strekdam is ook toegankelijk: een busrit brengt u langs de 24 windturbines. Ook het gebouw van het havenbestuur MBZ aan de Vandammesluis is open voor het publiek. Vanop het terras op de zevende verdieping heeft u een schitterend zicht op de haven. Aan de Sea-Ro Terminal kunt u met een watertaxi een rondvaart maken langs de Canadakaai. Er zijn speciale busdiensten ingelegd die u langs de bedrijven brengen.'s Avonds wordt de Open Havendag afgesloten met een groot feest op het evenementenplatform van het strand van Zeebrugge. Parkeren kan aan het Albert II-dok in de voorhaven (P1) of aan de Zeebrugse visveiling (P2). Het havenbestuur raadt echter aan om zoveel mogelijk met het openbaar vervoer te komen. Wie met de trein komt vanuit Brugge betaalt 3,2 euro heen en terug.
Nog tot en met 15 juli
In het Provinciaal Hof op de Markt van Brugge loopt de tentoonstelling Zeebrugge in Beeld. Aan de hand van foto's, plannen en oude voorwerpen wordt de geschiedenis van de haven verteld. De tentoonstelling is elke dag van 10 tot 17 uur te bezichtigen en is gratis. Donderdag 5 en vrijdag 6 juli is Zeebrugge in Beeld open tot 22 uur.
Tot in november is er in Sincfala Heist ook de tentoonstelling "Havens in de Zwinstreek".
Tegenvallende visaanvoer voor vismijn Oostende

Meer geld voor minder vis

Zoeken naar alternatieven
Vorig jaar daalde het aangekochte volume verse vis, week- en schaaldieren per hoofd met 15 procent. In totaal kocht de Belg vorig jaar gemiddeld 5,80 kilogram verse vis, 1 kilogram minder dan in 2005. Het VLAM wijt dat voornamelijk aan de tegenvallende mosseloogst. Bovendien zoeken Belgen alternatieven voor de duurder geworden klassieke verse vissoorten (als kabeljauw en tong) in diepvriesvis.
Het aangekochte volume is wel gedaald, maar toch zijn de bestedingen gestegen, omdat vis duurder is geworden. De gemiddelde prijs voor verse vis, week- en schaaldieren bedroeg in 2006 9,96 euro/kg. Per hoofd werd 57,8 euro uitgegeven aan vis.
Verwerkte vis populair
Verwerkte vis blijkt dan weer een groeiend segment te zijn. Bijna de helft van het aangekochte volume vis, week- en schaaldieren is verwerkt. Nochtans is ook de prijs van verwerkte vis gestegen. Per hoofd werd vorig jaar 1,65 kg diepvriesvis gekocht of 3,1 procent meer dan in 2005.
Slecht mosselseizoen
Voorts blijkt dat de viskleinhandel een belangrijk verkoopkanaal is, hoewel het aantal vishandelaars jaarlijks lichtjes daalt. De laatste jaren is er overigens een duidelijke groei te merken voor de discounters en buurtsupermarkten, al was 2006 voor deze kanalen een minder goed visjaar door het slechte mosselseizoen.Tot slot blijkt dat alleenstaanden vis, week- en schaaldieren kopen in de supermarkt. De gespecialiseerde viswinkels krijgen dan weer vooral tweeverdieners, gepensioneerden en kostwinners over de vloer.
Zeetongfabriek aan onze kust?

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