Crew bare all for quota calendar
Trawlermen in Cornwall have revealed all for a new calendar to raise money to pay for a greater fish quota. The crew of the Chloe T stripped for the Duchy Quota Company's 2008 calendar to illustrate the journey from leaving port to returning the catch to market. Two thousand of the £6 calendars have been printed by the Duchy Fish Quota Company (DFQC). The not-for-profit company buys as much Cornish fish quota as it can to help local fishermen. There are 706 registered fishing vessels which make up the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly fishing fleet and all the boats catching whitefish come under the UK fish quota management system. The DFQC has already bought nearly £150,000 of Cornish fish quota which is then leased to Cornish fishermen which gives them permission to land more fish. And all the money received from leasing the quota to those fishermen is re-invested in the company to buy more quota. A number of other companies involved in the fishing industry have helped to cover the costs of producing and printing the calendar which was launched at the Newlyn Fish Festival on Monday.